How to Hide Files and Folders on Mac: 4 Ways Explained

In today’s digital age, privacy and security are paramount. Whether it’s personal documents, sensitive financial information, or confidential work files, there are times when you may need to hide certain files and folders on your Mac from prying eyes. Fortunately, Mac operating systems offer several methods to accomplish this task seamlessly. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore four effective ways to hide files and folders on your Mac, ensuring your data remains secure and private.

1. Using the Terminal

For tech-savvy users comfortable with command-line interfaces, the Terminal provides a powerful tool to hide files and folders on Mac. To begin, open the Terminal application from the Utilities folder within your Applications directory. Once opened, enter the following command:

chflags hidden /path/to/file_or_folder

Replace “/path/to/file_or_folder” with the actual path of the file or folder you wish to hide. Press Enter, and the specified item will instantly disappear from view in the Finder.

2. Utilizing FileVault

FileVault is a built-in encryption feature offered by macOS, designed to protect your data by encrypting the entire disk. While primarily used for securing the entire system, FileVault can also be leveraged to hide specific files and folders. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Open System Preferences from the Apple menu.
  2. Navigate to Security & Privacy, then click on the FileVault tab.
  3. Click the lock icon and enter your administrator password to make changes.
  4. Click on “Turn On FileVault” if it’s not already enabled.
  5. Once encryption is complete, move the files or folders you wish to hide into the encrypted disk image created by FileVault.

3. Using Third-Party Applications

Several third-party applications offer intuitive solutions for hiding files and folders on Mac. One popular choice is Hider 2, a user-friendly app that provides robust encryption and password protection for hidden files and folders. To hide files using Hider 2:

  1. Download and install Hider 2 from the Mac App Store.
  2. Launch the application and set up a secure password.
  3. Drag and drop the files or folders you want to hide into the Hider 2 window.
  4. Once hidden, the files will be encrypted and inaccessible without the Hider 2 application and password.

4. Changing File Attributes

Another method to hide files and folders on Mac involves changing their file attributes. This method is relatively straightforward and doesn’t require any additional software. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Select the file or folder you wish to hide.
  2. Right-click on the item and choose “Get Info” from the context menu.
  3. In the Info window, locate the “General” section.
  4. Check the box next to “Hidden” to hide the selected item.
  5. Close the Info window, and the file or folder will disappear from view.


Protecting your sensitive files and folders on Mac is essential to safeguarding your privacy and security. By utilizing the methods outlined in this guide, you can effectively hide your confidential data from unauthorized access. Whether you prefer using Terminal commands, built-in macOS features like FileVault, or third-party applications, there’s a solution that fits your needs. Take control of your digital privacy today and ensure your sensitive information remains secure.


Q1: Can hidden files and folders be accessed through Spotlight search?

Hidden files and folders will not appear in Spotlight search results by default. Spotlight respects the “hidden” attribute assigned to files and folders, ensuring they remain concealed from search results unless specifically configured to be included.

Q2: Can hidden files and folders be accessed by other user accounts on the same Mac?

The accessibility of hidden files and folders by other user accounts depends on the method used to hide them. Files encrypted and hidden using FileVault will require the user’s password for access, offering robust security. However, files hidden using other methods may still be accessible to other users with appropriate permissions, especially if they know where to look.

Q3: Is it possible to unhide hidden files and folders?

Yes, hidden files and folders can be easily unhidden by reversing the process used to hide them. Simply follow the same steps outlined in the guide and uncheck the “Hidden” attribute in the file or folder’s Info window, or use the appropriate command to reveal them in the Terminal.

Q4: Are there any risks associated with hiding files and folders on Mac?

While hiding files and folders can enhance privacy and security, there are potential risks to consider. Forgetting where hidden files are located or losing access to encryption passwords can result in permanent data loss. Additionally, some third-party applications may not provide adequate protection, potentially exposing hidden files to unauthorized access.

Q5: Can hidden files and folders impact system performance on Mac?

No, hiding files and folders on Mac does not impact system performance. The act of hiding simply changes the visibility of files and folders in the Finder interface and does not affect the underlying system processes or resource allocation.

Q6: Can Time Machine backups include hidden files and folders?

By default, Time Machine backups will include hidden files and folders unless specifically excluded. However, users can configure Time Machine to exclude certain files or folders from backups, including those marked as hidden.

Q7: Will hiding files and folders affect their functionality or usability?

Hiding files and folders on Mac does not alter their functionality or usability. Once hidden, files and folders will still function normally, and users with appropriate permissions can access and interact with them as needed.

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